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Ottawa Facts

Ottawa Facts

The Story Behind Sculpture Fail at Jack Purcell Park in Ottawa

613trending, April 24 2024

However, a curious mix-up occurred in 2014 during a $525,000 park renovation. An architectural company hired for the makeover conducted some preliminary online research and mistakenly drew inspiration from a different Jack Purcell—a Canadian badminton champion from Guelph, Ontario, renowned for winning five national championships and being...

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Ottawa Facts

Nine Facts You Might Not Know About Ottawa

613trending, October 12 2023

Ottawa, the capital city of Canada, is a gem of North American civilization, brimming with cultural, historical, and architectural richness. While it’s known for its picturesque landscapes and stately government buildings, there are plenty of lesser-known facts that make the city fascinating. Here are nine intriguing tidbits that even some...

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