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613trending, October 12 2023

Nine Facts You Might Not Know About Ottawa

Ottawa, the capital city of Canada, is a gem of North American civilization, brimming with cultural, historical, and architectural richness. While it’s known for its picturesque landscapes and stately government buildings, there are plenty of lesser-known facts that make the city fascinating. Here are nine intriguing tidbits that even some locals might not be aware of:

1. A New Flag Every Day

One of the iconic sights of Ottawa is the Canadian flag fluttering proudly atop the Peace Tower. But did you know it is replaced every day? Even more astonishing, Canadians can add their names to a waiting list to receive one of these flags. However, it’s worth noting that the current wait time extends over a century!

2. A Tragic Pre-Opening

Château Laurier is one of Ottawa’s architectural masterpieces. Commissioned by Charles Melville Hays, this grand edifice has a sorrowful prelude; Hays perished aboard the Titanic just 12 days before the hotel's grand opening. His tragic demise adds an eerie resonance to the hotel’s majestic aura.

3. A World Heritage Marvel

The Rideau Canal isn’t just a picturesque waterway; it’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A testament to Ottawa’s global cultural significance, this site adorns the city’s landscape, blending natural beauty and human ingenuity. Once frozen in the winter, it becomes the world's longest skating rink.

4. A Tourist Hotspot

Ottawa might not boast the metropolis energy of Toronto or Vancouver, but it pulls in a crowd. Each year, over 11 million tourists flood into the city, pumping approximately $2.2 billion into the local economy, marking it as a silent economic powerhouse.

5. Chill Factor

Canada is renowned for its chilly winters, and Ottawa stands as the seventh coldest capital in the world. It’s a city where icy elegance meets tenacious residents who embrace the frigid, snowy embrace each year. The only capitals that are colder include Ulaan-Baatar, Astana, Moscow, Helsinki, Reykjavik and Tallin.

6. Bytown's Evolution

Before it blossomed into the capital city, Ottawa was humbly known as Bytown. In 1855, it underwent a transformation, adopting its current name and gradually morphing into the political and cultural heart of Canada.

7. A City of Scholars

Intellectual prowess is in abundant supply in Ottawa. The city boasts the highest concentration of scientists, engineers, and PhD holders per capita in Canada, making it a hub for innovation and intellectual discourse. You'd think if all that brain power a few intellectuals could put their heads together and build a working LRT.

8. Rising from the Ashes

In 1916, the Centre Block of Parliament was devastated by a massive fire. A remarkable reconstruction effort soon followed, transforming tragedy into a symbol of strength and renewal. Today, the rebuilt Centre Block stands not just as a hub of Canadian governance, but also as a testament to the city’s determination and resilience. Every element of its restored structure narrates a tale of triumph over adversity.

9. A Motherly Presence

‘Maman’, a mesmerizing sculpture of a spider, graces the city’s landscape. This iconic artwork is not unique to Ottawa; it’s one of the six replicas spread across the world, weaving a web of artistic splendor globally.

Each of these facts underscores Ottawa’s multifaceted charm. The city isn’t just Canada’s political hub; it’s a blend of historical richness, cultural diversity, intellectual prowess, and an epitome of resilience and transformation. Every corner of Ottawa tells a story of a city that has not just endured but thrived, inviting locals and tourists alike to delve deeper into its captivating narrative.

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