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613trending, December 5 2023

Wrapped 2023: Ottawa Edition

As the year draws to a close, it's time to reflect on some of the unique and noteworthy aspects of life in Ottawa during 2023. In the spirit of popular year-end summaries like Spotify Wrapped, let's dive into our own Wrapped 2023: Ottawa Edition, highlighting some quirky, intriguing, and distinctly Ottawa experiences from the past year.

Minutes Spent Waiting for OC Transpo: 12,203

In 2023, we Ottawans each spent a mind-boggling 12,203 minutes waiting for OC Transpo. And no, we did not actually do any math to calculate that. To be honest that guess is probably on the low end. It's enough time to learn a new language, start and abandon a hobby, or contemplate the meaning of life. The waiting game became our unintentional pastime, bonding us in a shared narrative of missed buses and the ever-elusive 'on-time' train. Yes, folks, patience isn't just a virtue; it's a lifestyle in Ottawa.

Most Eaten Food: Shawarma

Who would've thought? If shawarma places had loyalty programs, we’d all be platinum members by now. Shawarma continued to reign supreme throughout Ottawa in 2023, solidifying the city's reputation as the shawarma capital of the world. The food was a phenomenon, a unifying force in a city known for its bureaucratic seriousness. 

Most Spotted Car: Ismael LBG

The iconic car turned heads and sparked curiosity throughout the year. This vehicular extravaganza, decked out in a kaleidoscope of lights, was like Santa's sleigh on a joyride through Ottawa. It became a game to spot it, a moment of delight in an otherwise ordinary day.

Number of LRT Delays: Too Many to Keep Track

In 2023, Ottawa’s LRT system became less about transportation and more about testing our collective ability to stay calm under extremely frustrating circumstances. Every journey was like rolling the dice - will today be the day I actually arrive on time? The suspense was thrilling, in a "missed my meeting again" kind of way. The LRT became our quirky, unreliable friend who always has the best excuses. “Sorry, I’m late, the LRT had another delay” became the most accepted apology in town. Truly, Ottawa's LRT in 2023 was the city’s roller coaster – one that was barely ever open.

Number of Skating Days on the Rideau Canal: 0

In a surprising and somewhat disheartening turn of events, there were no official skating days on the Rideau Canal this year. This unusual situation was overshadowed by a more grim statistic: more dead bodies were found in the canal than skaters. It was a year where the skates stayed in the closet, and the canal's winter charm took a hiatus.

Number of Tim's Coffees Consumed: Way Too Many

If Tim Hortons ever starts a frequent flyer program, we'll all be commuting to work by private jets. Tim Hortons' coffee continued to be a staple in the daily routine of many Ottawa residents. They even got most of the orders wrong to ensure that the people of Ottawa had one more thing to complain about.

Number of Iconic McDonald's Closures: 1

2023 marked the end of an era with the closure of the infamous "World's Worst McDonald's" in Ottawa. Known for bizarre incidents, including the notorious episode where a patron brandished a raccoon during a fight, this McDonald's closure signifies the end of a uniquely controversial chapter in Ottawa's fast-food history. It's the end of an era, but let's be honest, it's probably for the best.

In summary, 2023 in Ottawa was a year of quirky cars, shawarma cravings, public transit adventures, and a coffee-fueled populace. These highlights not only reflect the city's unique character but also the shared experiences that unite Ottawa residents in their daily lives. Here's to more shawarmas, fewer LRT delays, and hopefully some skating on the Rideau Canal in 2024!

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